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Flood Information

Floods are one of the most common hazards in the United States.  Flood effects can be local, impacting a neighborhood or community, or very large, affecting entire river basins and multiple states.
However, all floods are not alike. Some floods develop slowly, sometimes over a period of days.  But flash floods can develop quickly, sometimes in just a few minutes and without any visible signs of rain.  Flash floods often have a dangerous wall of roaring water that carries rocks, mud, and other debris and can sweep away most things in its path.  Overland flooding occurs outside a defined river or stream, such as when a levee is breached, but still can be destructive.  Flooding can also occur when a dam breaks, producing effects similar to flash floods. Be aware of flood hazards no matter where you live, but especially if you live in a low-lying area, near water or downstream from a dam.  Even very small streams, gullies, creeks, culverts, dry streambeds, or low-lying ground that appear harmless in dry weather can flood.  Every state is at risk from this hazard.

.  What is the flood risk where I live?

How can I protect myself from a flood?
What to do Before, During & After a Flood
.  Look for Know your Flood Terms at the bottom of the Before Information.

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